Skills for Sustainability: EAUC 12th Annual Conference

Skills for Sustainability Logo
31 Mar 2008 - 1:00pm
2 Apr 2008 - 2:00pm
University of Exeter
01242 714321

There is now huge pressure on university and college staff and students to become more engaged with sustainability and sustainable development practice. Yet most staff development programmes and academic curricula still fail to deliver the competencies, knowledge, skills and attitudes needed if the goal of sustainability is to be achieved. As the key annual sustainability event for UK Further and Higher Education, this important conference will encourage and inspire to identify essential skills and knowledge and go on to equip them to embed skills for sustainability in their own staff and students. Keynote Speakers include: Bill Rammell MP, Minister of State, Lifelong Learning, Further and Higher Education; Ann Finlayson, Education Commissioner, Sustainable Development Commission; Steve Egan, Deputy Chief Executive, HEFCE; Linda Newman, President, University and College Union (UCU); Professor Daniella Tilbury, Professor of Sustainability, University of Gloucestershire See to download a full programme and book online.

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