Laura Gaither, Local Project Manager - Old Trafford

Laura Gaither

I was never into eco stuff as a kid. Totally bored me. But then I began gardening and learned about living more simply. And recycling didn't seem so hard either. In fact it can be addictive! Slowly, step by tiny step, I've discovered that living sustainably is very rewarding. I hope that I can encourage others to take some tiny steps, too and learn from them in the process.

During the rest of my time, I sell retro and vintage furniture, which is about recycling & landfill redirection at its most basic level. My husband & I chose to live in Old Trafford so that we could easily bike or walk to work and attend events in with ease.

Email me | Tel: | War on Waste Old Trafford | Planet Vintage Girl | Other AfSL people | Volunteering