Volunteer socials are currently on hold. However, keep an eye out for some upcoming fun!
AfSL has previously held weekly meetings for all past and present volunteers and their friends. Also, it was an event for people who’ve never been involved with AfSL or environmental volunteering. It’s a great way to meet like minds and find out more over a quiet drink! Currently these sessions are not in operation, however keep an eye out for social events for the New Year!

The Volunteer Team
is buzzing with exciting environmental projects that need enthusiastic volunteers to lend a hand and share their time, skills and knowledge of all things green. Action for Sustainable Living brings together people who want hands-on experiences of sustainability and eco projects happening just around the corner. The Volunteer Team is a happy bunch of volunteers who dip in and out of lots of environmental activities, with something different being offered on the menu every month. From growing veggies and getting handy with green building, to helping to run community cafes and teaching people to be more energy smart – we’ve interests to suit everyone. Read More.