Live in Timperley?
Want to live green like Maureen?
Green like Maureen already?
Want to be part of something good? Have you had a bright idea to get other people involved in caring for the future of the local area?
Want to help local people grow their own food? The local Mencap centre is starting up their very own veggie plot and is looking for someone locally to help manage the plot.
Want to see trees on your street? Tell us!
Did you know Navigation Primary have a shoe recycling point at the school which you can use!
Looking for a new challenge this January? Become an Action for Sustainable Living Local Project Manager and receive accredited training and support!
Want to have a FREE eco workout for your group of friends, group or neighbours?
Tell us what you’ve been up to and have your eco good news inspire others.... Eco tweet what you’ve been doing @timpcommunity
Know of any waste land that could be transformed for local people to grow their own food?
Take Action for a Sustainable Timperley here...
The background....
We have recently begun a Trafford Partnership-funded project in West Timperley to encourage people to live greener lives in the community.
The project is following on from 2010’s Timperley Green Homes projects which aimed to raise awareness of the risk of flooding in the local area.
Timperley is a suburb of Greater , located in the north east of Altrincham. Around 11000 people live here. The village dates back to 1211 and was largely agricultural until the Industrial Revolution. There are several parks and green spaces in the village along with a number of sports clubs. The Bridgewater canal passes through Timperley and it has several brooks. Metrolink passes through the village linking it to and Altrincham.
Natural systems are self-sustaining and have been throughout history. Today, our ever growing population is creating conditions that may threaten the long-term health and welfare of the vital biological systems on which our lives depend. There is a growing body of evidence to support this.