AGM and Christmas Celebration
6:15pm, Wednesday 5th December 2012, Platt Chapel, Fallowfield
This is our big, booming annual celebration. Our Green Seeds project that has so far trained up some 45 Local Project Managers to deliver sustainability projects across South and supported hundreds if not thousands of people to volunteer is now entering its fourth and final year.
Come along to find out about and reminisce over what Green Seeds has achieved and tell us how you see the future of community action around sustainability in South . We’ll be starting with our AGM and finishing with mulled wine and a festive AfSL Cellidh. It’s sure to be an inspiring and fun packed evening.
1.) Arrival, 6.15pm
2.) AGM, 6.30pm
3.) Our Legacy, Our Future Event, 7pm prompt
- Introduction
- Green Seeds in Action: Inspiring Case Studies
- A few words from our trustees
- Past, Present and Future: Tell your sustainability story, past, present and future
- Mini craft Xmas present workshops or “meet the descendents” mini workshop (you choose)
- Announcements: South Environment Forum renamed winner and announcements
- Sum-up
4.) Ceilidh merriment, buffet snacks and mulled wine
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