Did you know?

- £30 billion is spent on clothing each year in the UK
- 71% of the global clothing trade is supplied by developing countries
- On average only 0.5% of the retail price finds its way back to the person
that made the clothes
- Each year 100,000 people die of pesticide poisoning from conventional
cotton farming
- 1 million tonnes of clothes are thrown in the dustbin every year
- 80% of people only wear 20% of their clothes
What you can do
- Make some of your wardrobe sustainable
- Order the SUST '06 DVD of AfSL's eco and ethical
fashion show
- Help with or attend the
SUST '07 fashion show
- Sign the
SUST '07
- When buying branded clothing, buy from their organic range i.e., Topshop,
Nike, Timberland
- Buy second hand, recycled and socially responsible clothes
- Don't throw away unwanted clothing. Donate to charity shops
- Start a clothing swap-shop
- Organise an ethical fashion show - AfSL can advise you
- Customise and recondition clothes
- Invest. Buy high quality clothes that last a lifetime
- Visit one of 's many eco clothes retailers
Pledge to take action on clothing
More on fashion
Newsletter 9 contents page