Public Debate: "What's Next for the City Region?"

: forward to the future
13 Apr 2010 - 7:00pm
13 Apr 2010 - 10:00pm

Note: This event has now taken place. The information below was correct when it was written, but may now be out of date.

Friends Meeting House
6 Mount Street
M2 5NS
This venue is accessible for disabled people
0161 306 6436

A public debate for the people of to express their opinions on issues, ranging from deprivation to the environment, which affect their city. There will be a panel to answer questions from the audience, including Keynote speaker Will Hutton from the Work Foundation, Caroline Downey of MERCi and David Campbell from GMCVO’s Transport Resource Unit.

The event is being organised by the University of Brooks World Poverty Institute and attendance is free.

What's Next for the City Region? | University of Brooks World Poverty Institute | Location of Friends Meeting House | Email event contact | Ancoats and Clayton | Bradford | Castlefield | Chorlton-cum-Hardy | City Centre | Didsbury | Fallowfield | Gorton North | Gorton South | Hulme | Levenshulme | Longford | Longsight | Moss Side | Old Moat | Sharston | St Mary's Ward | Whalley Range | Withington | Energy | Finance | Household | Local food | Organic and Sustainable Food | Transport | Water | Community groups | Fostering social enterprise | Green Champions Programme | Housing Associations | Individuals | Local Authorities | Universities