Saturday 12th November 2005 (Part 1) and Saturday 26th
November (Part 2), 10am-4pm, Nell Lane Allotment, Chorlton
Free for AfSL volunteers - two 'Design
and Planning’ workshops from qualified and experienced Permaculturists, Julia
Frankel and Rob Squires (both also AfSL volunteers). Workshops will be run
in a yurt-classroom with straw bale seats.
Places are limited - book your place from
[email protected]
Workshop Aims
a ‘loose’ site design for the plot
- Undertake preparatory work to enable the effective implementation of
growing activities next Spring
- Participants encouraged to assist in the planning and organisation of the
workshop as well as allotment design & development.
Workshop sessions will include:
- introduction to the basic concepts and principles of permaculture

- introduction to permaculture design theory and techniques
- a stakeholder survey, to assess the needs and expectations of the ‘client
group’ (AfSL and volunteers)
- the generation of a loose site design through practical design sessions
- preparatory work will be undertaken during practical sessions.
The workshop will be run in situ, on the allotment, in a yurt/classroom
provided by Hulme based, The Yurt Experience. Straw bales will be used instead
of chairs. Erection and dismantling of the yurt are an
optional course extra, limited places – 9.00 a.m. start. Participants
and AfSL workers will be active in sourcing tools and resources, leading up to
the second workshop.
What you will need
- Please wear suitable outdoor clothing and footwear for practical sessions
(bring your wellies!). If you have gardening gloves these are also recommended
– marigolds will be provided
- First Aid and toilet facilities will be available
- Please bring a packed lunch
- Tea, coffee, water, fruit and biscuits will be provided
- There will be wheelchair access into the yurt, but unfortunately practical
sessions will be limited at this stage, as the soil is freshly turned.
- The course is suitable for adults and young people (check ages with us
- Parking is available, but please try and share cars and cycle/walk if
To book, contact [email protected]
4th November 2005
More on local food
AfSL allotment project
Summer Permaculture Programme 2006
Newsletter 2 contents page