Old Trafford is a perhaps surprising hub of eco activity. Since beginning work in Old Trafford as one of its pilot areas, AfSL has discovered there are loads of residents that want to help make Old Trafford a Green and more Eco aware place to live.
Since 2005 AfSL has responded by encouraging such residents to meet up together and take action. WOWOT (War on Waste Old Trafford), Fair Trade Old Trafford and Old Trafford Nappy Network were formed. A 'Shop Local' map produced and an energy project working with NEA and TMBC supplying 5 homes with solar thermal panels and wood burning stoves embarked on to name just a few.....
More than this people in Old Trafford have become steadily more aware of how they can live more sustainable lives.
Since 2005 we have:
- Advised over 1000 individuals and 10 groups
- Initiated 8 local Action Groups
- In the year to the end of September 2006, AfSL helped people in Clifford Ward to make over 500 pledges to live more sustainably.
- Involved over 50 volunteers in local projects.
Rosemary Armah has been appointed the Local Project Manager for Old Trafford and is supporting Old Trafford projects, attending events and more for 8 hours/ week as a volunteer. until December.
Thanks to the Old Trafford Neighborhood board and the Safer Stronger fund Rosemary will now be supporting Old Trafford for 8 hours a week for the next year!